What Parents Need To Know About Vaping

Group of teenagers walking while talking about vaping.

Only a decade ago, teen vaping was rare, according to the Food and Drug Administration. While we’ve seen cigarette usage decline considerably among adolescents, over 25% of 12th graders reported they had vaped in the past year, according to the 2019 round of the University of Michigan’s Monitoring the Future study. What Exactly Is Vaping,…

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Seeing Through the Smokescreen of Vaping

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The trend of vaping came about in a huge smokescreen of flavors and lies. Telling us that it was healthier than smoking was a very low bar to begin with, but then it turns out that it really isn’t healthier at all. They made products with flavors that would appeal to children, even though it…

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The Real Dangers of Vaping

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Vaping was originally presented as an alternative to smoking. Some even claimed that it was a way to help people stop smoking. You have likely heard and seen the ad campaigns that have opened eyes about manufacturers targeting children and adolescents with their vape products that have flavors of candies and sweets. But all of…

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Vape-Free and Proud to Be

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As much pressure as you may feel socially to vape, the health risks are a hundred times worse. Or even more, we are just now learning the effects that vaping has on our bodies. Nothing is worth the risk. So no matter what kind of pressure you perceive, make a promise to yourself to be…

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The Truth About Vaping

Vaping. Almost everyone has heard of it, and way too many people are doing it. Whether you vape as a means to kick your smoking habit, or do it instead of traditional smoking; whether it’s as a coping mechanism, or because somewhere along the line it was the “cool” thing to do–regardless of the reason,…

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