Vape-Free and Proud to Be
As much pressure as you may feel socially to vape, the health risks are a hundred times worse. Or even more, we are just now learning the effects that vaping has on our bodies. Nothing is worth the risk. So no matter what kind of pressure you perceive, make a promise to yourself to be vape-free.
Social Pressures
Chances are that the more pressure there is from peers or others to do something, the more harmful it can be to you. The popular kids don’t go around pressuring people to eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables per day. There is nothing scandalous about that, there is no rush when they get someone else to do something healthy that no one will get in trouble for.
No Caution
People start vaping without caution, and often, vaping tools and products give them no reason to be worried. Despite ad campaigns to attempt to educate the masses, many products are still sold without the warnings of the dangers of vaping.
Most vape products contain nicotine. Some contain oil from marijuana, and then there are the additives. The problem is you can never be certain what is in your vape pen, and there are a growing number of cases involving hospitalization and even death as a result of using it.
With no caution shown, you could be inhaling just about anything. Would you eat something if you weren’t sure what it was or where it came from, or whether or not it was expired? Most people wouldn’t. Because they know that what you put into your body can harm your body. There isn’t anything good for your body with vaping, and anyone who tells you otherwise is lying.
How Addictive Is Vaping?
One of the worst things about vaping is how incredibly addictive it can be. Nicotine is so addictive that people continue to smoke knowing the harmful effects it has on their bodies. Most vape cartridges contain a higher level of nicotine than cigarettes.
You have just gone through treatment to become mentally healthy and, possibly for substance use, too. The last thing you need right now is to pick up a habit that you can’t put down. It is much easier to resist vaping than it is to quit vaping.
Is Vaping Fatal?
Yes, vaping can be fatal.
Vaping has created a public health crisis, with thousands hospitalized with a serious respiratory illness that was a result of vaping. In fact, many of them are so severe that they have to be put into a medically induced coma before they can be treated. Doctors report lesions inside the lungs that resemble chemical burns. Those cases are considered the lucky ones. The other ones don’t make it.
Make Your Own Social Pressures
Social pressure can be positive or negative. When you take a stand against something like vaping and applaud others who do, too, you can turn the tide of peer pressure. You can stand out and make a difference, and maybe even save some lives. If you publicly advocate against vaping and help to educate others about the dangers, then people will listen and you can actually make an impact on other people’s lives.
Cool pens and tasty flavors are not nearly enough reasons to put your health and your life at risk. The more people realize what is actually at stake, the fewer health issues we will have as a result of vaping.
You have learned to protect your mental health, so you know that you don’t need an addiction to worry about. You know that your physical health is crucial for your mental health, too, so you don’t need to burden your body with the serious side effects of vaping, either. You have also come too far to put your life at risk for something like this. No amount of social pressure can make your vape, because you are strong now. You know who you are and you know how to live your best life. Live it vape-free, and be proud to help others live, vape-free, too.
You can resist vaping and live to tell about it. For questions call Embark Behavioral Health at 1-855-809-0409. Be proud of being vape-free.