Clinical Advisory Council
Embark Behavioral Health is committed to effective clinical engagement and program leadership to build and hold evidence-based practices across our continuum of care. Our Clinical Advisory Council advocates for accessible, developmentally age-aligned, and equitable behavioral health care that promotes prevention, treatment interventions, healing, recovery, and resiliency for individuals and families. Areas of focus are technologies and interventions including clinical practice guidelines, interventions, modalities, measurement tools, surveys, clinical protocols, and devices.
The Council provides clinical leadership to our programs, supports quality of care, and advances Embark strategic priorities by the following:
Keeping abreast of ongoing changes in technology.
Reviewing information from governmental regulatory bodies and published scientific evidence.
Documenting the variables used in making determinations about practice guidelines and technology.
Providing access to obtain safe, effective, and evidence-based care.
Obtaining input from specialists and professionals with unique knowledge.
Reviewing and approving evidence-based guidelines, modalities, and new technology that will be used in care, treatment, and services.
If you have questions about the Council or other clinical program initiatives, please contact Embark Behavioral Health at [email protected].