Teen Angst: What to Expect During the Teenage Years

Cheerful teenage boy arm wrestling with his father

Teen angst can often involve arguing, emotionality, storming off, sullenness, and drama. Understandably, this behavior often leaves parents exasperated, frustrated, and hurt.  How do you handle teen angst, especially as it’s part of being a typical teen? And, how do you know if this behavior is “normal teen” moodiness or if it’s something more?  Are teenage mood swings typical?  We asked Alex Hamilton, Clinical Director of Lake House Academy, about teen angst and…

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Understanding Common Mood Disorders

understanding common mood disorders

Mood disorders affect people of all ages and can have a profoundly negative impact on a person’s quality of life. Mood disorders impact far more than emotions. They can impact sleeping and eating habits, the ability to do daily tasks, relationships with other people, and even become a threat to health and safety. According to…

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Music and Mood

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Perhaps you have felt it before.  A certain song comes on, and immediately you feel different. Maybe you smile or even start to dance, or maybe you feel a little melancholy and your body feels more relaxed or even tired. It is well known that music can influence our mood in the moment, but can…

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