The Importance of Setting Healthy Boundaries With Your Teen

Mother who sets healthy boundaries enjoys yoga with teenager.

When teens and young adults are facing mental health issues, they need a healthy, safe, and secure environment. Setting boundaries is essential to creating this type of environment. When children predictably and reliably experience acceptance in the form of boundaries, consistent and safe nurturing, and responsiveness from a trusted caregiver, they internalize the experience of having inherent self-worth and value.   Using Commitment, Acceptance,…

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Are Celebrities Good Role Models for Teens?

Teen who believes celebrities are good role models waits in line for a concert.

Throughout adolescence, your teenage son or daughter will go through the process of developing their identity, and they may feel they found that in a celebrity, influencer, movie star, rapper, or other notable figure. They may look up to these famous people to help them determine their own values, goals, beliefs, style, and more. As…

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Mental Health Care Tips for Dads With Teens

Male teenager and his father sitting on stone near lake and talking about life

When things seem to come unraveled, and your teen needs mental health care, it’s hard to know what to do and how to seek help.  Parenting a child who struggles with mental health can elicit a range of emotions, some of which can lead to counterproductive outcomes. When you feel out of control, helpless, and uncertain about your…

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