Sheryl Walden

sheryl walden

Sheryl Walden

Family Coach

Sheryl Walden is a Clinical Licensed Social worker with a Master of Social Work from Boston University.

Sheryl has experience working with adolescents, adults, couples and families in office, home, hospital, and community-based settings. As a professional and a parent of grown children, Sheryl understands the adolescent years and knows the challenges of parenting. Sheryl has experience helping families balance the tension between a teen’s need for greater independence, a secure home- base and parental adjustments and flexibility toward ongoing changes. Sheryl believes each family is unique but all experience times when therapy can provide added support, increased communication and greater understanding of family dynamics.

Sheryl is a fan of Motown, movies and Mexican food. She has been married for 30+ years and a native to California.


Your healing journey starts here.

Embark is the most trusted name in teen and young adult mental health treatment. We’re driven to find the help your family needs. If you’re looking for support, contact us today.

Therapy area for outpatient treatment of adolescents, teens, and young adults in Scottsdale, Arizona.