What are the benefits of residential treatment?

RTCs offer many benefits to the teenagers, young adults, and families they treat. They offer: 

  • A comprehensive evaluation to assess behavioral, educational, emotional, medical, and social needs. 
  • Age-restricted mental health treatment. 
  • A higher level of care than is typically provided in individual, group, or family therapy. 
  • An individualized treatment plan to put in place interventions that help your son, daughter, or LGBTQ+ child attain these goals. 
  • An onsite team of professionals to coordinate comprehensive care and provide emotional support for your son, daughter, or LGBTQ+ child. 
  • Involvement of the family through home passes, on-site visits, telephone calls, therapy sessions, and other modes of communication. 
  • Nonviolent and predictable ways to help youth with behavioral and emotional issues. 
  • The ability for your son, daughter, or LGBTQ+ child to build or rebuild life skills. 
  • Psychiatric care.